To Affix Stamp or Not?

Mr Larry Quah Chai Khoon has made a name for himself by the simple act of not affixing a stamp to a letter he sent out and writing to the Forum about it.

I had always thought that it is commonsense to affix a stamp to whatever I am posting as long as the envelope used is not a prepaid one. Yet, this individual, somehow, confused by the responses received from LTA, decided to send his road tax renewal via mail without a stamp and subsequently writing to the Straits Times Forum to complain about it when his letter was returned for insufficient postage.

Has postage fees risen so much? Last time I checked, it is only 23 cents for a simple letter. So, by trying to scrimp on 23 cents, Larry Quah Chai Khoon, had ran the risk of not paying his road tax on time and being unable to use his car or being fined. Furthermore, additional efforts had to be done to handle the returned mail, write in to the Foum, etc... All these to save 23 cents?

A classic case of people not making use of commonsense...The Chinese have a exceptional way of putting it...因小失大...losing a lot when trying to make a small gain.


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