Dare to Dream Fund and Khoo Swee Chiow

Should the Dare to Dream Fund provide assistance to Khoo Swee Chiow, a self-proclaimed adventurer? This appears to be the recent debate after it has been highlighted that he has once again obtained funding, this time to the sum of $10,000, for trying to break the world scuba diving record by staying in a tank for 10 days.

Personally, I have believed that most of his antics are frivolous and not worthy of so much public funds that can be better diverted to more deserving social enterprises. His so-called achievements, while not possible to be done by just anyone, do not really "develop the spirit of adventure and entrepreneurship" but more so serve his own self-glorification, or more plainly speaking, boost his ego.

Even when sponsorship "comes with strings attached" and he had to give motivational talks to share his experiences with Northeast CDC citizens, has he truly motivated them? As a "professional adventurer", perhaps he should be looking for commercial funding/sponsorships and leave public funds to those who need it more.

Maybe the Fund should look introspectively and analyse why there is only Khoo's application this year. While we had deserving disabled atheletes, Arts groups, etc who are short of funds to go for overseas competitions, why have their daring dreams been overlooked? Did they not know about the Dare to Dream Fund or none of they stay in the Northeastern part of the country (which I seriously doubt) hence falling outside the eligibility criteria?


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