Sunday, February 12, 2006

Amazing Race for Asians

The Amazing Race by AXN is a very interesting show that I had caught a few episodes of and now they are going to bring in an Asian version but with the prize money significantly reduced. The Asian Amazing Race winner(s) will walk away with only US$100,000 instead of the US$1 million of the original show.

Supposedly, this reduced Amazing Race prize is "realistic to the size of the advertising market in Asia, which is considerably smaller than that in the US". Is that true? Someone has definitely not been out of his room for a very long time. China and India are growing rapidly and the rest of Asia is steaming along also.

The significantly reduced prize is an outright slight to Asia. Maybe it is AXN's version of outsourcing? Bring the show to Asia where costs are lower and participants are willing to sacrifice at least 5 weeks for a paltry 10% of the original prize of US$1 million. On a lower budget and sell at the same premium prices, AXN's profits can then be increased.

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