Blind Faith

I have been put through the torture of questioning my religious inclinations recently. The circumstances of why it is so, I will not post here though the rest of this posting might shed some light.

I have constantly questioned if god exists because we believe or it is that we believe bacause god exists. Most of the religions that I have came into contact with believes in the latter which recursively poses the question onto itself because one will have to already believe in the existence of a god. As of today, the only religion I am aware of that does not subscribe to a god is Buddhism where everyone can gain enlightenment and become a buddha, the enlightened one. As a lack of the central theme of a god, I really do not take Buddhism to be a religion but more of lifestyle option.

As a non-believer, religion is to me a wonderful place to seek solace when one requires the addition emotional assurance. Why do so many people embrace religion when they are in their darkest hours? Why do so many people turn up at places of worship to pray for better times during economic recessions? What better means to seek solace than to place your hopes in a power greater than yourself?

The people who started religions were highly charismatic people and visionaries who had to make it easy for people to accept their teachings and the easiest way was no doubt to make use of the belief that a greater good is guiding them. Also, like how we use storytelling to impart values to kids today, create stories to assist them in guiding the common people to follow their teachings. All jolly well and good... until subsequent generations fail to see the original intentions and start taking those stories at face value and intepreting them according to their own upbringing, circumstances, culture, etc.

Religion has today caused the world to be more divided than ever. Just look at the myriad blends that have occurred. Roman Catholics, Protestants, Anglican, Presbyterian, Theravada Buddhism, Zen, Yogacara, Vajrayana, Islam, Sunnism, Shi'ism, Ahmaddiya, Toaism, Hinduism, Judaism and so many more. The believer of each usually believes that theirs is the so-called "right" one (why else should they believe?). The more tolerant ones accept that people are free to have other beliefs while there are some who constantly pushes their own as the true religion and the extreme ones engage in violence to further their religious ambitions.

Having a religion is fine. I presently do not subscribe to one... the time is just not yet. But having a religion should not mean blind faith. We should always question religious teachings and place them into the context of today. Religion should not cloud our judgements and blind us to the many gifts we are presented with and the people dearest to us. Simple enough a statement to be made by a non-religious person but possibly blasphemy to the religious. Let us make use of the greatest gift we have as human beings, the power of logic, and impart some thoughts as to whether we adopting a blind faith approach.


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