Monday, September 30, 2024

Electric Vehicles Make Poor Financial Sense

Looking to buy a car recently and after thinking hard about it, there are several arguments why purchasing an electric vehicle (EV) may not be the most financially sensible decision right now:

1. Higher Upfront Costs

Initial Purchase Price: EVs typically have higher upfront costs compared to their ICE counterparts. While some may qualify for tax incentives, these do not always offset the significant price difference.

Premium Models: Many popular EVs come from luxury brands, which  further inflate the initial investment.

2. Charging Infrastructure and Costs

Limited Charging Stations: Depending on location, the lack of convenient charging stations can lead to range anxiety and inconvenience. 

Home Charging Setup: Installing a home charging station can be costly, especially if electrical upgrades are needed, adding to the overall expense.

3. Battery Replacement Costs

Longevity Concerns: EV batteries can degrade over time, and replacement costs can be substantial, sometimes ranging from $5,000 to $15,000 depending on the model.

Warranties: While many manufacturers offer warranties on batteries, these often only cover a limited number of years or miles, leading to potential future costs.

4. Resale Value

Depreciation: EVs can depreciate much faster than traditional vehicles. As technology evolves quickly and new models enter the market, older models are losing value more quickly.

Market Saturation: With many new EVs hitting the market, the resale value of existing models are declining further.

5. Insurance Costs

Higher Premiums: Insuring an EV can be more expensive due to the higher costs of repairs and replacement parts, which could negate some savings from fuel costs.

6. Electricity Costs vs. Petrol Prices

Fuel Cost Comparisons: While EVs generally save on fuel costs, fluctuating electricity prices can diminish those savings, particularly if charging during peak hours.

Maintenance Costs: Although EVs have fewer moving parts and often require less maintenance, the savings may not be significant enough to justify the higher initial costs.

7. Limited Range for Some Needs

Daily Driving Needs: If you frequently travel long distances, the current range limitations of many EVs could be a significant drawback, necessitating a secondary vehicle for longer trips.

8. Environmental Considerations

Battery Production: The environmental impact of manufacturing EV batteries, including resource extraction and processing, raises questions about the overall sustainability of EV ownership.

While EVs offer many benefits, such as reduced emissions and potential fuel savings, the financial implications currently do not support a clear advantage over traditional vehicles. Until upfront costs decrease, charging infrastructure improves, and battery longevity is assured, it will make more financial sense to stick with conventional ICE vehicles for now.

LinkedIn Tapping Personal Data for AI Training

Security experts and consumers alike are quite concerned about recent revisions to LinkedIn's data gathering policy. The platform now permits the training of AI models using user-generated content - without explicit user authorisation. Many believe their right to privacy is being violated by this lack of transparency.

Businesses must put user awareness and consent first as AI continues to transform our online experiences. Consumers should be informed in a transparent and honest manner about how their data is used. In addition to building trust, this gives people the power to decide for themselves what privacy means.

Users on LinkedIn have expressed their dissatisfaction and called attention to the necessity for data practices to be transparent. Companies need to make sure consumers are aware of their rights and may readily opt out of data sharing when they so want in order to foster a safer online environment.

If you have a LinkedIn account, do verify that you have updated the settings in accordance with your preferences on how your personal data can be used.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Why the Former President Obama Firmly Endorses Kamala Harris

In the world of American politics, endorsements can be as telling as policy positions. When former President Barack Obama lends his support to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, it’s not merely a nod to his successors but a calculated endorsement reflecting deep-seated beliefs and strategic foresight. Here’s why Obama’s backing is significant and what it reveals about his vision for the nation.

A Longstanding Bond and Shared Vision

The relationship between Barack Obama and Joe Biden is more than just a footnote in political history; it's a testament to the power of collaboration and mutual respect. Obama’s endorsement of Biden stems from their robust partnership during the Obama administration. Biden’s tenure as Vice President wasn’t just a supporting role; it was a position that required him to navigate the complexities of governance alongside Obama. This close working relationship forged a bond that transcends mere political alignment.

Obama’s support for Biden is also a nod to policy continuity. Both leaders champion similar stances on healthcare reform, climate action, and economic recovery. For Obama, Biden’s policies represent a continuation of the progressive agenda that shaped his presidency. The endorsement signals confidence in Biden’s ability to carry forward a vision for progress that Obama believes is crucial for the country’s future.

Kamala Harris: A Historic and Strategic Choice

When it comes to Kamala Harris, Obama’s support is equally compelling. Harris is a historic figure—America’s first Black and South Asian Vice President. For Obama, a leader who himself broke barriers as the first Black President, supporting Harris is a natural extension of his commitment to diversity and representation. Harris’s groundbreaking role is not just symbolic but a substantive shift towards a more inclusive leadership landscape.

Obama’s endorsement of Harris also underscores a shared commitment to key progressive issues. Her track record on criminal justice reform, healthcare, and climate policy aligns closely with the values Obama has long advocated. Harris’s experience as Attorney General and U.S. Senator adds a layer of competence and practical insight that Obama clearly values.

The Power of Unity

In supporting both Biden and Harris, Obama is also endorsing their partnership. The Biden-Harris team represents a unity ticket that aims to bridge divides within the Democratic Party and across the broader electorate. Obama’s endorsement reflects his belief in their combined ability to advance a cohesive agenda, essential for navigating the complexities of contemporary American politics.

In essence, Obama’s backing of Biden and Harris is not merely about endorsing individuals but about endorsing a vision for America. It’s about continuity in policy, commitment to diversity, and the strategic capability to unite and lead. For Obama, supporting Biden and Harris is both a personal and political endorsement, rooted in a deep-seated belief in their shared ability to drive the country forward.

Paris 2024 vs. Earlier Olympics

 The Paris 2024 Olympics has been lauded for its innovative approach to planning and execution. Let's compare it to previous Games and identify both its strengths and areas for improvement.   

Positive Aspects of Paris 2024 Planning

Sustainability Focus: A hallmark of Paris 2024 is its strong emphasis on sustainability. The organizers have committed to halving the Games' carbon footprint compared to previous editions. This includes using renewable energy, minimizing waste, and prioritizing public transportation.   

Legacy Planning: Paris 2024 has placed significant emphasis on the long-term benefits of the Games. The plan includes repurposing existing venues, investing in public infrastructure, and developing programs for local communities.

Urban Olympics Concept: In contrast to previous Games that often involved constructing new stadiums in remote locations, Paris 2024 is embracing an urban Olympics. This approach maximizes the use of existing infrastructure and integrates the Games into the city's fabric.

Innovation and Technology: The organizers are leveraging technology to enhance the spectator experience, improve logistics, and promote accessibility. This includes using digital platforms for ticketing, transportation, and information sharing.   

Areas for Improvement

While Paris 2024 represents a significant step forward, there are still areas where improvements can be made:

Cost Control: Despite efforts to utilize existing infrastructure, the overall cost of hosting the Olympics remains a concern. While Paris 2024 has made strides in this area, there's always potential for further cost-cutting measures without compromising the quality of the Games.

Accessibility and Inclusivity: While Paris 2024 has made efforts to improve accessibility for people with disabilities, there's still room for enhancement. Ensuring that the Games are truly inclusive for all requires ongoing attention to detail and innovation.

Local Community Engagement: While the organizers have emphasized the importance of engaging the local community, there's always the risk of displacement and gentrification associated with large-scale events. Continued efforts are needed to ensure that the benefits of the Games are shared equitably among residents.

In conclusion, the planning for Paris 2024 represents a significant advancement in Olympic hosting. By prioritizing sustainability, legacy, and urban integration, the organizers have set a new standard for future Games. However, addressing challenges related to cost control, accessibility, and community engagement will be crucial for the long-term success of the event.   

Thursday, July 18, 2024

COE and the Electric Vehicles

Singapore's Certificate of Entitlement (COE) system has seen some fluctuations in recent months. After reaching historic highs in 2023, COE premiums did experience a welcome decline in early 2024. However, current trends suggest a stabilization or even a slight increase in COE prices. This makes the decision of buying a new car, especially an Electric Vehicle (EV), more complex.

EVs: Still a Viable Option, But Do Your Research

Despite the recent rise in COE prices, EVs remain a compelling alternative for many drivers in Singapore. The government's continued commitment to cleaner transportation, along with attractive incentives and lower running costs, makes EVs a serious contender.

Considering the Total Cost of Ownership

The decision to buy an EV hinges on your individual needs and finances. While the initial COE price may not be the lowest, consider these factors:

  • Upfront Cost: EVs generally have a higher initial price tag compared to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. However, the recent COE price volatility makes budgeting for an EV purchase more challenging.
  • Running Costs: EVs boast significantly lower running costs due to cheaper electricity compared to petrol. Additionally, they require less maintenance.
  • Government Incentives: The Singaporean government offers various incentives for EV ownership, including tax rebates and grants which can significantly offset the initial cost.

Making an Informed Decision

Carefully research different EV models and compare them to their ICE counterparts. Factor in the potential rise in COE prices and weigh the upfront cost of an EV against the long-term savings on running costs and government incentives. This will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your budget and driving needs.

Friday, August 21, 2020

WHO Announces End of COVID19 Pandemic

Promising COVID19 vaccines! Lower numbers of new infections! COVID19 is now under control! COVID19 cure found!

Headlines that we will love to see but reality is far less rosy. 

COVID19 is a virus. 

A strain of coronavirus not unlike past virus such as SARS in 2003, MERS in 2012. Years have passed and no vaccine, no cure has been found for SARS or MERS. The same is likely to happen for COVID19.

The optimistic put hopes on the huge efforts to find a working vaccine but what if  the end state is that the virus is here to stay?

The virus is selective. Many infected are just asymptomatic or with mild symptoms, carriers whom go on to keep the spread alive. These are usually the young/healthy ones with no underlying issues. The ones whom really suffer are the older/weaker.

At the end, perhaps we need to come to terms that it will remain as commonplace as influenza. People will die if they do not take care of their health. Life expectancies will be lowered as weakened elderly fail to overcome infections.

Life will have to go on. Hope will survive.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Singapore Presidential Election 2017

Will this election be a reserved one for the "Malay" community? While Dr Tan Cheng Bock's initial case for an "open" election has been dismissed, it is still up for appeal.

Should the reserved election proceed, the likely Presidential candidates for 2017 so far are:

  1. Mr Salleh Marican (CEO, Second Chance Properties)
  2. Mr Farid Khan Kaim Khan (Chairman, Bourbon Offshore Asia Pacific)
  3. Mdm Halimah Yacob (Speaker of Parliament)

Mr Salleh Marican
He is of Indian heritage and lacks fluency in the Malay language.

Additionally, calculations by The Straits Times puts Second Chance’s average shareholder equity over the past three years between $254.3 million and $263.25 million, missing the eligibility criteria of at least $500 million in shareholders’ equity, on average, for the most recent three financial years.

Mr Farid Khan Kaim Khan
The question will likely hinge on whether he is "Malay" enough to contest in the Reserved Presidential Elections. It is noted that his race is indicated as “Pakistani” on his identity card,

Mdm Halimah Yacob
She has yet to confirm her interest to run for the upcoming Reserved Presidential Elections but some quarters have questioned her Malay-ness, noting she has an "Indian-Muslim father...who died when she was eight years old". Is Mdm Halimah Yacob Indian then?

It would have been much preferable to have never tried establishing a Reserved Presidential Election so that potential contenders are able to truly contest on an equal, meritocracy basis.

Should the 2017 Reserved Presidential Election come to pass, it is likely to be remembered as:

  1. Clouded by the perception of it being an attempt to block Dr Tan Cheng Bock from becoming President
  2. Reinforcing the belief that Singapore's minority races still require assistance regardless of how capable they are

The best case scenario for Singapore's 2017 President Elections that I hope for now is that Dr Tan Cheng Bock's appeal is heard by the courts and that the courts decide that the upcoming Elections should be made an "open" one for all races.

  1. Dr Tan Cheng Bock likely continues to be ineligible because of the $500 million in shareholders’ equity criteria
  2. "Malay" candidates still contend for the Elected Presidency
  3. A "Malay" candidate wins in an Open Presidential Election

The intent of Reserved Presidential Elections may sound good but is fundamentally flawed. Having to set up a committee to decide if a candidate is a member of the community goes against our nation building, our pledge of regardless of race, language or religion. It also opens up a host of possibilities such as inter-racial marriages, adoption, etc that further complicate the entire process.

The President is supposed to be an unifying figure, Singaporean first before being Chinese, Malay, Indian or Eurasian. Elections are by nature divisive amongst the candidates' supporters but let us not let it divide us further along other lines.

Electric Vehicles Make Poor Financial Sense

Looking to buy a car recently and after thinking hard about it, there are several arguments why purchasing an electric vehicle (EV) may not ...