Exposing that Cecilia Sue was previously with Hitachi Data Systems and is currently employed with Oracle Corporation Singapore, The Straits Times is really going all out on this story.
Assuming that Straits Times reporters had checked all their facts before running the article, Ceclia Sue is married and was involved with Ng even after she had moved from Hitachi to Oracle which had no IT-related dealings with the CNB then.
With Ng Boon Gay deciding to contest his corruption charges, it looks like this may be a more ambiguous case of blurring lines between personal and official affairs.
Perhaps lonely hearts abound out there for Cecilia Sue whom has been married for 13 years with a one year old child to be seeking company in Ng. Being married to a businessman and staying in a condomium in central Singapore typically indicates Cecilia's family is doing rather well financially.
Better to think twice about looking for emotional or sexual companions in/near work settings in future. Ironic, when working people are most likely spending extended periods with colleagues/contractors and bonds form over time.
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