Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Anything or Whatever?

Person 1: Will you like to drink Anything?
Person 2: Whatever...
Person 1: Whatever?
Person 2: Whatever.
Person 1: Here's your Whatever.
Person 2: ...

A new beverage has just been launched and it is the "Anything" and "Whatever" product range. This is a surprise-packaging concept where every beverage has a generic design which makes consumers unaware of the flavour of the purchased beverage until they drink it.

The Anything and Whatever range features six flavours each, with "Anything" containing carbonated soft drinks and "Whatever" yielding non-carbonated flavours.

This is a very innovative product that latches upon the common observation that people are not able to decide when trying to purchase a beverage. The responses of "Anything" or "Whatever" frequently placed the person tasked with making the purchase on behalf in a bind. With these 2 new products, you better think twice before casually answering questions as to what drink you like for now it is possible to buy Anything or Whatever!

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